How might smoking marijuana affect me getting insurance?

Can Marijuana Users Get Insurance? 

The short answer is yes.  Marijuana users can get insurance but there are additional things to consider when compared to others who are not. 

Some companies may look at your situation favourably and treat you as a non-smoker, while others will immediately consider you a smoker regardless of how heavy a user you are.

Why Is Marijuana Considered Risky?

The effects of using marijuana over time can range from blood issues, to mental illness – and everything in between.

Regardless, insurers view the regular use of marijuana as a hazard and until there is further evidence otherwise, they are unwilling to take on the risk at the same levels as a non-user.  

What About Applying to Insurers for Cover?

Frequency of use can play a major role for some companies who don’t seem to care as much about the current levels of toxicity, while others are the opposite.  Sometimes a blood test may be requested.

Also, remember there are still other factors to consider when applying, outside of the marijuana use. You still would need to be able to qualify based on your overall health just as a non-user might.

Drug use, even for occasional and recreational purposes, can have a big effect on the premiums you pay for the cover.  It is a common misconception that a history of drug use will automatically disqualify you from obtaining an insurance policy.  Depending on the type of drugs used, how recently they’re used, and treatment received, a higher premium can be expected.

If you are currently using illegal drugs other than marijuana, at best, you will only be able to qualify for a heavily restricted insurance cover, if any at all. 

You should always be up front about any drug use because if a company discovers this in your medical history or exam that was not disclosed, you will almost certainly be declined immediately, or worse at claim time.  Admitting the information up-front will receive more favourable treatment by the insurer.

If you have a history of drug use or abuse, you should not apply with multiple companies at the same time.  The more companies you ask with a formal application, the less likely you are to get a better offer!