3 Very Good Reasons to Consider Getting Health Insurance at Your Age

3 Very Good Reasons to Consider Getting Health Insurance at Your Age.jpg

When you’re in your twenties, you’re invincible. Or, at least, you think you are because you spent two months in Thailand soul searching and you had some dodgy street food and you were perfectly fine.

And then there was that time you went snowboarding in Queenstown and fell and bruised your bum, but never broke anything or didn’t suffer any other injuries. Not even a cold from lying face down in the snow.

But the truth is, no one is invincible, not even Dwayne The Rock Johnson.

Sure enough, health insurance is the last thing on your mind when you’ve just dived head first into a cool new job, or when you’re planning your trip to Rarotonga.

But you probably should. And here’s why.

1.Unexpected medical issues cause unexpected expenses

Being an adult is hard enough as it is. There’s rent to pay, food, power, internet… The list goes on and on. If you’re thinking of relying solely on the public health system, think again. This doesn’t guarantee a solution to every medical situation you might have.

 2.Fast track treatment and claim back those costs

Time is money, and if there’s two things there’s never enough of, it’s time and money. Who has time for waiting lists? Having health insurance gives you more options to fast track treatment. And those unexpected costs? You can claim those back.

3. Benefits and add-ons

Having health insurance gives you access to more healthcare options and non-Pharmac medicine. It also gives you the option to add any other care you might need like dental, physiotherapy or optical.

Lastly, it’s important to get in quick - meaning: while you’re healthy. Most policies exclude pre-existing health conditions, so make sure you’re prepared and have Plan B in place when the time comes.